Labels:crt screen | daily | fence | gazette | monitor | person | railing | sidewalk | sky | stairs | tv OCR: AppleColor High- Resolution RGB Monitor Prow!h U'tH <1 .0'I." Overview Features Benefits The AppleColor" High -Resolution 01 481 pixel resolution Provides shamer dis:play rf text and RGB Monitor sets new graphics [xoth ad scales. KO[C}] UI] graphics for personal COn qualin Delivers professional coloi graphics puters. full advantage of Displays a full range sizcs the advanced graphics capabilities of the Macintosh LF personal com 13-inc-h Trinron CRT Lets you view the fu1 mre puter, the nionitor's 13-inch screen Lh:T1 the length of a letter- size displays toth graphics and 1xa n dxument Displays a hu1 rarge Txt sizes cither brilliant cor sharp gray .....- scales Anulog input format Permirs wider range Combined with the Macintosh II pu: gray scales than is possible with Video Cardor Video Fx ...